🖥 许的数据库+为了做好游戏学游戏引擎


①安装{Haxe|Haxe Flixel|lime|编辑器Visual Studio Code|OpenFL|heaps}
②"Hello World",创建新文件
'flixel create'可以创建自带一些代码demo
'flixel tpl -n Hello World'可以创建自己的游戏项目《Hello World》
'code .'在visual studio 里面显示内容
visual studio code 里面选run and debug
bulid.json是用来指导visual studio做测试的
或者选Command Palette然后输入'run build task'
或者在命令行输入'haxe run lime' 'lime test html5' 编译代码为h5


[python bin/Main.py]->一键生成python代码包在bin文件夹里
[node bin/Main.js]->一键生成js代码包在bin文件夹里
③代码的分段测试是通过在VC code 里面按Ctrl+Shrft+B来运行完成的,这个步骤用于跟踪单个模块的错误和异常行为,必须先测试单个模块,之后才进行集成测试,让不同模块正确交互,观察接口是否按预期工作,不要急着冲,会有BUG(怎么在CodeSpace里面调试程序还在研究)
④目前已知的Haxe Flixel的开源项目可以实现的功能有:1.存档;2方向键控制; 3.敌人auto巡路行为算法;4.烛光的明暗渲染效果;5交互对话系统;6藏经阁书籍显示内容;7.玩家动画sprite;

#Haxe代码格式开头是 import XXX
[import openfl.display.Sprite]->导入openfl文件夹里的display文件夹里的Sprite.hx代码;此步骤确保import包含所有导入代码

Class new (一个首字母大写的新名字)就是新增类;
Class override (Name)就是添加新功能;
Class super (Name) 就是可以积累使用的拓展覆盖功能;

⑥function init{} function regularUpdate(dt:float){}是用来更新函数
function init{} if (state.time==0){} 是用来在游戏一开始就更新
(没弄懂什么防止排队函数叠堆,要在循环中使用@sYnc 插队进行同步?)

⑦ Var +(分大小写的名字):{Int=0(整数)|Float=0(浮点小数点)|Bool(Yes or No)|String(文本字符串text)}(++是数字加一,==是检测两个值相同否,<=是检测前值是否小于后值)

TexturePackerData类将用于处理从Texture Packer精灵表加载的精灵。

private var texturePackerData:
private var explosionLine:FlxSprite;private var lineXOffset:Float =
0;private var lineYOffset:Float = 30;这些变量包含了爆炸线的精

创建角色和敌人的动画表sprite sheet,找资产->FlxSprite[[20240110023445]]
创建藏经阁关卡地图->Playstate [[20240110023727]]
为玩家和敌人和环境实现碰撞系统 ->FlxGroup

#User Interface

#Coding for Music(Rich Vreeland)

// For the purposes of these examples I'm using Flixel and AS3, because it's what I'm familiar with.

/** The last note played, stored after each new note is played. */

public static var lastNotePlayed: Class;

/** Play a note! */

public static function playNote():void


var noteToPlay: Class = getNote();

// This is Flixel's function for playing sounds.


lastNotePlayed = noteToPlay;


/** Get a new series of note choices, based on what the previous note was. */

private static function getNote():Class


var noteChoices: Array = [];

if (lastNotePlayed == C3) noteChoices = [D3, E3, F3, G3, A3, B3, C4];

else if (lastNotePlayed == D3) noteChoices = [C3, E3, G3];

else if (lastNotePlayed == E3) noteChoices = [F3, G3, C4];

else if (lastNotePlayed == F3) noteChoices = [E3, G3];

else if (lastNotePlayed == G3) noteChoices = [C3, D3, E3, F3, A3, B3, C4];

else if (lastNotePlayed == A3) noteChoices = [G3, B3, C4];

else if (lastNotePlayed == B3) noteChoices = [G3, A3, C4];

else if (lastNotePlayed == C4) noteChoices = [C3, G3, B3];

else noteChoices = [C3, G3, C4];

var choice: int = Math.round(Math.random() * (noteChoices.length - 1));

var note: Class = noteChoices[choice];

return note;


public static const IONIAN: Object = { position: 1 };

IONIAN.logic = [ /* 00 one */ ['two', 'thr', 'for', 'fiv', 'six', 'sev', 'one'],

/* 01 two */ ['one', 'thr', 'fiv'],

/* 02 thr */ ['for', 'fiv', 'oct'],

/* 03 for */ ['thr', 'fiv'],

/* 04 fiv */ ['one', 'two', 'thr', 'for', 'six', 'sev', 'oct'],

/* 05 six */ ['fiv', 'sev', 'oct'],

/* 06 sev */ ['fiv', 'six', 'oct'],

/* 07 oct */ ['one', 'fiv', 'sev'],

/* 08 else */ ['one', 'fiv', 'oct']


public static const DORIAN: Object = { position: 2 };

DORIAN.logic = [ /* 00 one */ ['thr', 'fiv', 'sev', 'oct'],

/* 01 two */ ['fiv', 'six', 'sev'],

/* 02 thr */ ['one', 'for', 'fiv', 'six', 'sev', 'oct'],

/* 03 for */ ['fiv', 'six', 'sev', 'oct'],

/* 04 fiv */ ['thr', 'six', 'sev', 'oct'],

/* 05 six */ ['one', 'for', 'fiv', 'sev', 'oct'],

/* 06 sev */ ['thr', 'fiv', 'six', 'oct'],

/* 07 oct */ ['one', 'thr', 'for', 'fiv', 'sev'],

/* 08 else */ ['one', 'fiv', 'oct']


This is all fine and dandy, but these strings need to be hooked up to the sound assets in order to work. As a way of dealing with different modes, we can create a for loop that will fill a 'loadout' object with the proper notes, assigned to the proper scale degrees.

/** An array of the scale degrees, used as a reference for populating the loadout object. */

public static const DEGREES: Array = ['one', 'two', 'thr', 'for', 'fiv', 'six', 'sev', 'oct'];

/** An array of all the notes needed to potentially form an eight note scale in any mode (Ionian is C3 - C4, Dorian is D3 - D4, Phrygian's E3 - E4, etc.) */

public static const C_MAJOR: Array = [C3, D3, E3, F3, G3, A3, B3, C4, D4, E4, F4, G4, A4, B4];

/** The loadout object, to be filled with the notes of the current mode/key. */

public static var loadout: Object = {};

/** The last note played, stored after each new note is played. */

public static var lastNotePlayed: Class;

// For the sake of the example, let's say the current key is F# Major.

public static varcurrentMode: Object = DORIAN;

/** Play a note! */

public static function playNote():void


var noteToPlay: Class = getNote(currentMode); // Pass the current mode into getNote(), whatever mode you want it to be!


lastNotePlayed = noteToPlay;


/** Get a new series of note choices, based on what the previous note was. */

private static function getNote(modeToUse: Object):Class


/** Whether we've found the last note played in the current loadout. */

var found: Boolean = false;

/** The note choices that we'll use to decide the next note to get. */

var noteChoices: Array = [];

/** Make sure that the current scale we're using to make logic decisions starts on the first note of the current mode.

ie. in Ionian, loadout['one'] = C3, loadout['two'] = D3, etc.

in Dorian, loadout['one'] = D3, loadout['two'] = E3, etc. */

for (var i:int = 0; i <= DEGREES.length - 1; i++)

loadout[DEGREES[i]] = C_MAJOR[i + modeToUse.position - 1]; // - 1 is to account for starting at Zero.

/** Iterate through the loadout, find which is the last note played, then store the associated set of choices to noteChoices. */

loop: for (var j: int = 0; j < DEGREES.length - 1; j++)


if (lastNotePlayed == loadout[DEGREES[j]])


noteChoices = modeToUse.logic[j];

found = true;

break loop;



/** If the last note played was not found in the loadout, use the 'else' choices from the logic array. */

if (found == false)

noteChoices = modeToUse.logic[08]; // [08], or the last set of arguments in the logic array, used like an else statement.

/** The numerical choice from the array of choices that we will use. */

var choice: int = Math.round(Math.random() * (noteChoices.length - 1));

/** The note that we will return to the playNote() function and eventually play. */

var note: Class = loadout[noteChoices[choice]] as Class;

return note;


The system above will work great for moving through various modes in a single key, but what if you want to move through the other 11 keys, too? The most straightforward solution would be to create arrays for all of the keys. You also would of course need to create assets for all the new notes that you are using.

// Arrays of all the notes in needed to potentially form an eight note scale in any mode, in any key. s = #, ie. Cs3 = C#3

public static const C_MAJOR : Array = [C3, D3, E3, F3, G3, A3, B3, C4, D4, E4, F4, G4, A4, B4];

public static const Cs_MAJOR: Array = [Cs3, Ds3, F3, Fs3, Gs3, As3, C4, Cs4, Ds4, F4, Fs4, Gs4, As4, C5];

public static const D_MAJOR : Array = [D3, E3, Fs3, G3, A3, Cs4, D4, E4, Fs4, G4, A4, Cs5];

public static const Ds_MAJOR: Array = [Ds3, F3, G3, Gs3, As3, D4, Ds4, F4, G4, Gs4, As4, D5];

public static const E_MAJOR : Array = [E3, Fs3, Gs3, A3, B3, Ds4, E4, Fs4, Gs4, A4, B4, Ds5];

public static const F_MAJOR : Array = [F3, G3, A3, As3, C4, E4, F4, G4, A4, As4, C5, E5];

public static const Fs_MAJOR: Array = [Fs3, Gs3, As3, B3, Cs4, F4, Fs4, Gs4, As4, B4, Cs5, F5];

public static const G_MAJOR : Array = [G3, A3, B3, C4, D4, F4, G4, A4, B4, C5, D5, F5];

public static const Gs_MAJOR: Array = [Gs3, As3, C4, Cs4, Ds4, Fs4, Gs4, As4, C5, Cs5, Ds5, Fs5];

public static const A_MAJOR : Array = [A3, B3, Cs4, D4, E4, G4, A4, B4, Cs5, D5, E5, G5];

public static const As_MAJOR: Array = [As3, C4, D4, Ds4, F4, Gs4, As4, C5, D5, Ds5, F5, Gs5];

public static const B_MAJOR : Array = [B3, Cs4, Ds4, E4, Fs4, A4, B4, Cs5, Ds5, E5, Fs5, A5];

// For the sake of the example, let's say the current key is F# Major.

public static var currentKey: Array = Fs_MAJOR;

Then, you would adjust the for loop that fills the loadout to check for the current key's scale:

for (var i:int = 0; i <= DEGREES.length - 1; i++)

loadout[DEGREES[i]] = currentKey[i + modeToUse.position - 1];


①{编辑器Visual Studio Code or Cursor | Unity |Github Desktop }
②类的继承者们就是我需要写的代码。一般继承的类都是: MonoBehaviour;
public class MyScript : MonoBehaviour
// 用于组件脚本
// 包含 Start(), Update(), Awake() 等生命周期方法

但Unity官方教程里面继承的是Player : MovingObject,这似乎是Player族的大名!然后就直接省略移动相关的代码工作了。Enemy和NPC似乎也能使用相同的族类呢!
public class CustomPropertyDrawer : PropertyDrawer
// 用于自定义Inspector中属性的显示方式
public class ItemData : ScriptableObject
// 用于创建可重用的数据资源
public class CustomEditorWindow : EditorWindow
// 用于创建自定义编辑器窗口
Destructible : TileBase 这个是继承TileBase,可以用来设置多层遮罩和精灵切换,也可以设置不同破坏状态的动画
public class CustomTile : TileBase
// 用于创建自定义瓦片
public class CustomAnimationBehaviour : StateMachineBehaviour
// 用于控制动画状态机的行为

public class CustomInspector : Editor
// 用于自定义组件的Inspector界面

#if UNITY_STANDALONE || UNITY_WEBPLAYER horizontal = (int) (Input.GetAxisRaw ("Horizontal")); vertical = (int) (Input.GetAxisRaw ("Vertical")); #elif UNITY_IOS || UNITY_ANDROID || UNITY_WP8 || UNITY_IPHONE // 移动端触摸输入处理 #endif

public enum AABBType {AABB, BBCC,}; private void OnTriggerEnter2D (Collider2D other) { if(other.tag == "Exit") { Invoke ("Restart", restartLevelDelay); enabled = false; } else if(other.tag == "Food") { // 处理食物收集 } }//这里出口的交互反馈是离开这一关卡(Unity官方程序员使用了随机迷宫生成所以是restartLevelDelay),我也可以改成进入第二关。然后如果是碰到Tag是Food的物体就把食物收集起来,我可以在这里加入一个拾取食物的anim.=>animator.SetTrigger ("playerCollect");
如果提供权力给总统inspector,比如让他可以合法提供武器给乌克兰or以色列,就要在代码前面加[SerializeField] ,于是乎大总统就能察觉还能这个样子操作啊,果然没有人比我更懂


#让Github copliot写代码的提示语
Based on the provided player movement code in Haxe/OpenFL, create a 'fog of war' mechanic for a library exploration game. the player should only be able to see a limited area around them, with the rest of the map initially obscured. As the player moves, nearby areas become visible. Focus on efficient visibility updates and ensure that the mechanic integrates seamlessly with the existing movement system. Provide code snippets for the visibility calculation, graphical updates, and any necessary modifications to the player class